In the event that you host your internet sites on a dedicated hosting machine, you would expect that they'll perform very fast and that the access speed to them will depend only on the Internet connection of the site visitors. Having said that, this won't be the case in the event that the server has poor network connectivity or uses a network card, which simply cannot cope with high volume of site traffic. If this is the case, it'll take quite a long time for your sites to load if many people open them at the same time or visitors may see error messages. Consequently you may lose website visitors as most probably many people will not return to your internet site in case they have experienced problems or slow loading speeds. This is the reason why you should pay attention to the network components of any new server that you acquire and not only to the main hardware like Processor, RAM or hard disk drive.

Server Network Hardware in Dedicated Web Hosting

In case you obtain a dedicated server via our company, you and your internet site guests shall enjoy wonderful loading speeds irrespective of the script apps which you employ. The state-of-the-art data center in downtown Chicago, in which our servers are located, takes advantage of multi-gigabit routes from redundant providers as a failsafe against infrastructure problems. Our grid in the facility is constructed with the latest generation of network hardware for maximum speed and stability - switches, routers and firewalls. All dedicated servers we provide to our customers include a gigabit network card, which is capable of coping with huge incoming and outbound traffic. Similar to all other hardware elements that we work with to assemble each new machine, the card is also thoroughly tested as a way to make certain that we will never use a malfunctioning part which could cause problems in the future. Our servers will supply the computing power and the network speed for the very best possible performance of your website.